30 September 2018

Toastmasters "FATCA" Project

This page isn't live yet, but it is where I intend to post the video of my Toastmasters "FATCA" Project, due to be given at the Cardiff Toastmasters on 3rd October 2018.

In the meantime, here are a few resources:

FATCA on Wikipedia

FATCA on the US Internal Revenue Service Website

FATCA (and other AEOI agreements) on the UK HM Revenue and Customs website

FATCA guidance from STEP and flowchart (both PDF)

Hugh James (Solicitors) Blogs on FATCA by Andrew Jones:
FATCA: Trustees must take urgent action
FATCA – Where Do Trustees Stand Now?
Are you an American taxpayer but don’t know it?
What does FATCA mean for real people?